凝光微距 | 海沧工业屋顶上的光伏赞歌

发布时间:2024-12-09    来源:国瑞能光伏支架   关键词:分布式光伏,光伏发电,光伏系统,

厦门具有丰富的太阳能资源,是福建省内太阳能资源最高的地区之一。据厦门气象局发布的气候公报,我市年有效日照时数在1800小时左右。从近几年的监测数据来看,厦门光伏发电每年最大利用小时数在800小时-1300小时之间。The stronger the sunlight, the greater the power generation.?Xiamen has abundant solar energy resources and is one of the areas in Fujian Province with the highest solar energy potential. According to the climate bulletin released by the Xiamen Meteorological Bureau, the city receives approximately 1800 hours of effective sunlight per year. Based on recent monitoring data, the annual maximum utilization hours for photovoltaic power generation in Xiamen range from 800 to 1300 hours.

“靠天吃饭”,在屋顶建“电站”,屋顶分布式光伏发电系统的充分利用光照资源和空闲的工厂的屋顶进行光伏发电,不仅可以节省每年的工厂用电开支,还可以享受自发自用、余电上网带来的收益。Relying on nature for sustenance,” building “power stations” on rooftops— distributed rooftop photovoltaic power generation systems make full use of sunlight resources and unused factory rooftops to generate electricity. This not only helps save annual electricity costs for factories but also enables benefits from self-generated power use, as well as the surplus electricity feed back to the grid.

厦门海沧工业区屋顶光伏系统项目并网运行,国瑞能因地制宜,考量项目屋顶的特殊防水结构,屋面角度较为复杂,选用能GS可调式屋顶安装系统。该该系统可以固定角度也可以调节角度,充分结合屋面调整最佳光照角度,保障产品效能。The rooftop photovoltaic system project in the Haicang Industrial Zone, Xiamen, has been connected to the grid. Grace Solar has used methods in line with local circumstances, taking into consideration the special waterproof structure of the project’s rooftop and its complex roof angles, by selecting the GS adjustable rooftop mounting system. This system can both fix and adjust angles, optimizing the rooftop’s orientation to achieve the best solar exposure and ensure product efficiency.11凝光微距,鹭岛之音。一排排的光伏支架,在群山绿意中,源源不断地汲取太阳之能,为绿色发电谱写一首首赞歌。国瑞能最大限度发挥土地效能,积极利用光照资源,为可持续发展构建美好未来。

Light in Close-Up: The Resonance of Egret Island. Rows upon rows of photovoltaic racks stand amidst the lush green mountains, tirelessly harnessing the power of the sun, composing endless hymns to green Energy. Grace Solar maximizes the potential of the land, making the most of the sunlight to pave the way for a brighter, sustainable future.


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