
发布时间:2024-06-20 08:06    来源:楚能新能源   关键词:楚能新能源,储能市场,储能产业,

当地时间6月19日,2024欧洲光伏储能展(SMART E/EES EUROPE)在德国慕尼黑展览中心拉开帷幕,楚能携多款产品及应用解决方案闪耀亮相,向海外客户展示系统化的全生命周期服务,“绿动”欧洲舞台,加速深度布局全球储能市场。


楚能携自主研发的150Ah、280Ah、314Ah电芯以及20尺5MWh电池预制舱CORNEX M5、233KWh液冷户外柜等明星产品华丽亮相,通过“全系列产品矩阵+完善的海外售后服务组织架构”展现硬核实力,与产业链上下游企业开展深入交流,广受客户青睐。楚能向全球新能源市场讲述中国方案,以灵活、绿色、安全、智能的特点赢得高度评价。


CORNEX New Energy Co., Ltd. (CORNEX), a new energy innovative high-tech enterprise, presents its all-scenario energy storaGE products and solutions at The Smarter E Europe 2024, held from June 19 to 21 in Munich, Germany. CORNEX has fully demonstrated its full life cycle systematized service capabilities to overseas customers, stepping onto the European stage with a "green" attitude to accelerate its in-depth presence in the global energy storage market.

As the largest alliance of exhibitions for the energy industry in Europe, the smarter E Europe brings together industry elites and exhibitors from around the world, focusing on cross-industry solutions from the electricity, heat and transport sectors for a sustainable 24/7 energy supply. CORNEX showcases its self-developed full range of product matrices and star products, including 150Ah, 280Ah, 314Ah batteries, 20-foot 5MWh Battery Energy Storage Container CORNEX M5 and 233 kWh Liquid Cooling Outdoor Cabinet. Through the " comprehensive product portfolio and completed overseas after-sales service", CORNEX showed its core strength and conducted in-depth exchanges with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, and received significant recognition for introducing flexible, eco-friendly, safe and intelligent Chinese solutions.

In the future, CORNEX will firmly uphold the principles of innovation, openness and cooperation, in concert with a wider range of outstanding global enterprises, to foster the sustained growth and prosperity of the new energy industry.


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