无液冷、无空调 | UniC系列全面助力工商业储能实现产业增值新高度!

发布时间:2024-06-20 02:06    来源:新能安科技   关键词:新能安科技,储能电池,工商业储能,储能产业,

6月19日,Ampace新能安携储能全栈产品闪耀亮相德国慕尼黑电池储能展(ees Europe2024),并重磅发布UniC系列工商储新品。

温控有度  “简”以致胜







“如何有效挖掘能源经济潜力,是行业当前的共性挑战课题。基于此,新能安推出UniC C1和UniC C5两款工商储产品,适配工商储多元场景应用需求,帮助客户实现最大化的投资回报率(ROI)。”发布会现场,新能安首席技术官袁庆丰博士强调,“我们致力于确保产品的极致安全性、极致可靠性,也追求生态效益与经济效益的双效双赢。”







On June 19, 2024, Ampace unveiled the ground-breaking UniC All-in-one C&I outdoor energy storage series at ees Europe2024 in Munich.

UniC Pioneers a New Era with Zero Liquid Cooling and Zero Air Conditioner

The UniC Series, featuring the revolutionary zero liquid cooling and zero air conditioner full-temperature range control, achieves a dual innovation in both system architecture and cell design.

At the system architecture level, UniC series products abandon traditional liquid cooling and air cooling modes, achieving efficient operation across a wide temperature range with a minimalist design.

Meanwhile, as the core of the energy storage system, the Kunlun Battery Cell 2.0 is supported by the new GT40 technology, which is suitable for various working environments compared to previous battery designs. It adopts the new anode & cathode recipes, special electrolyte formula, and two-sided tab structure design for improved efficiency, reliability, and a longer life cycle. Moreover, the innovative design will significantly reduce carbon emissions, achieving a fusion of ecological benefits and technological innovation, supporting the green transition across various industries.

Extreme Reliability and Economic Efficiency

Unlocking New Profitable Avenues in C&I 

“At Ampace, our top priorities are product safety, reliability, performance, and user experience. The industry is now facing technological challenges to unlock the potential economic value of energy, which is why we are announcing the UniC C1 and UniC C5 today,” said Dr. Yuan, Ampace’s chief technology officer. “UniC C1 and UniC C5 are designed for all-scenario energy storage needs to enable customers to maximize their energy’s return on investment (ROI).”

The UniC series, with its excellent stability and extreme reliability, boasts a system lifespan of up to 15 years, maintaining a state of health (SOH) of 66% after 11,000 cycles. Its minimalist design effectively avoids potential hazards such as liquid leaks, condensation, or compressor failures, significantly reducing unplanned downtime and cutting auxiliary operation and maintenance costs by 75%. In terms of energy consumption loss, the UniC series cuts this to just 1.56%, while conventional C&I products are about 7.0% or 3.5%.

It redefines performance benchmarks and expands technological boundaries. Compared to conventional products supporting 0.25CP and 0.5CP, the UniC series features 1CP (C-rate) charging and discharging capabilities, making it suitable for fast charging stations, frequency regulation, virtual power plants (VPP), and hybrid technology applications. With its top-notch performance, the UniC Series can be applied to various C&I scenarios, such as 5G base stations, data centers and zero-carbon parks. UniC series will effectively assist the industrial and commercial storage sector in exploring broader profit opportunities.

All-Scenario Energy Storage Portfolio for

Comprehensive Energy Solutions

At the exhibition, Ampace also showcased a comprehensive range of products including home energy storage, uninterruptible power supplies, and portable energy storage, fully displaying its cutting-edge layout and in-depth exploration in the energy storage field.

Currently, Ampace products are present in China, the USA, Europe, Japan, Australia, South Africa, and many other countries and regions worldwide, maintaining a record of zero accidents.

Looking ahead, Ampace will continue providing all-encompassing energy solutions characterized by extreme safety, reliability, user experience, and performance. We will keep collaborating with industry partners to drive the green energy transition, injecting vigorous momentum into industry development.


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